Friday, August 1, 2014

in which i talk about books

One important thing to know about me: I adore books.

In the words of William Herondale, I "live and breathe words," which is why I've chosen to study English at university. And since I can't be tempted to update this blog with normal things, I thought I'd use this nifty thirty-day reading challenge as a way to get into the habit of posting again. (They say it takes at least twenty-one days to form a habit, right?)

I've read quite a few books this year (especially since returning home for the summer), but the best book, BY FAR, is this little gem.

My sister, the librarian, recommended it to me and it did not disappoint. The story takes place during World War II and charts the friendship of two young girls, a pilot and a wireless operator, in the midst of the era's turmoil.
But it's so, so much more than that.
The novel begins with the reader witnessing the incarceration of the wireless operator, the eponymous "Verity," into Nazi control. The girl, who identifies herself as Queenie, relates the story of her experiences and friendship with ace mechanic / pilot Maddie Broddatt. Her words come at a cost though; with her prolonged life, Queenie must also betray herself, and her cause, to the enemy. (I'm going to stop here, as I really don't want to spoil anything. JUST READ THE BOOK OKAY.)
I won't lie to you: the book killed me. By the end, I was sobbing unabashedly (which I am sure looked most amusing in the middle of an airplane) and I felt so betrayed with the conclusion. But this book isn't supposed to be fair, it isn't supposed to be kind. It's supposed to matter. By the end, I felt like I was better for knowing Maddie and Queenie.
(And let me say, QUEENIE IS AMAZING. One of the most wonderful and engaging characters I've met in a long time. Despite her terrible situation, she had me cracking up from her sharp wit and Scottish pride.)
My little summary really is terrible compared to the wondrous complexity and beauty of the book, but take my word for it: Code Name Verity is worth it. It will make you question the nature of truth, life, and other grand ideas. It will change you.
Why are you still here? Go read the dang book!

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